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Only Only Marisol Rainey (ages 7-9)
Greenwillow Books (2023)
Only Only Marisol Rainey (ages 7-9)

A dangerous beast is on the loose in Marisol Rainey’s neighborhood! At least, Marisol thinks it’s a dangerous beast. She’s never actually met the neighbor’s dog officially, but surely a big German shepherd can’t be anything else. That’s why she and her BFF Jada nicknamed him “Daggers.”

When the Missing Dog posters around town reveal that his real name is Gregory, Marisol’s fears don’t ease up one bit. He may be Gregory at home, but when he’s freely roaming the neighborhood with nothing to hold him back, he’s Daggers and nothing else.

When Marisol tries to sleep, the image of Daggers and his sharp teeth comes to mind. Marisol doesn’t even want to ride her bike anymore. What if Daggers leaps out of the bushes, knocks her over, and eats her? She feels like she can’t rest until she knows Daggers has been returned to her neighbor’s backyard. Strangely, no one else seems all that concerned for their safety. Only Marisol.

Is Daggers big and super scary looking? Maybe. Is Marisol afraid? Surely. Will she eventually learn that there’s more to Daggers than meets the eye? Only if she faces her fears.

Harper Collins


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